Samiya Akhtar
keep scrolling to learn a little more about me

Software Engineer
I currently work as a Software Engineer at Microsoft, based in San Francisco. My work involves contributing to open source projects related to Azure and Azure Kubernetes Service, such as Bedrock & Spektate. I have a passion for front end and full stack applications. Previously, I've worked on mobile applications for Microsoft 365, formerly Office 365. Learn more about my experience on LinkedIn.

I completed my Bachelors in Software Engineering from University of Waterloo in 2016. It's a co-op program which alternates between a work term and a study term every 4 months, giving us 2 years of work experience at graduation. For my internships, I worked at Katlyn, Christie, Pivotal Labs and Microsoft.
what i do in my free time

My husband and I love to go hiking in the Northern California region on the weekends and holidays

I love to seek out starry nights and meteor shower events throughout the year. One day I'd love to invest in proper astrophotography equipment

Who doesn't enjoy travelling :) My favorite countries so far have been Singapore and Switzerland

I like to shoot with a DSLR, scroll below to find more of my landscapes :)
photos can't do justice to what the eyes can see